donald shtjefni
Hey there! I'm Donald Shtjefni, a senior frontend developer dedicated to enhancing user and developer experiences.
When I'm not coding, you might find me mixing up cocktails, finding the perfect balance of flavors just as I do in my code.
But it's not all about me. I'm a firm believer in the power of open source and giving back to the community.
Kindle Digest is a tool that allows you to read Hacker News and newsletters on your Kindle
Currently, I am working at Weconstudio, where I have the opportunity to dive deep into the world of web development. I'm particularly passionate about utilizing technologies such as Nuxt.js, Vue.js, Vuetify, and Capacitor.js to build robust and visually appealing applications
You can contact me by email or on Github. I will be happy to answer you.